Tuesday 7 October 2014

Maca Monkey Shake

The power of this super energising smoothie was so good it had me finishing off my gym session with one-armed chin ups! (Hence the name 'Maca Monkey Shake'!) It was exceptionally tasty too- I can imagine if monkeys were to live off drinks or smoothies, it would definitely be this!

The star ingredient of this smoothie is of course that of which mentioned in the name- 'Maca'. As part of the radish family, the powerful root originates and is grown in the mineral-rich soils of the Andean mountains, Peru. It boasts many nutritional values such as begin rich in vitamins B, C, and E, providing plenty of calcium, zinc, iron, magnesium, phosphorous and amino acids. However its stand-out quality comes from the energy, strength, and stamina boosting properties it claims to provide. It has even gone as far as being nicknamed 'Spanish Viagra' due to its ability to enhance sexual drive for both men and women, whilst balancing hormones and improving fertility! For women, it also claims to help alleviate menstrual cramps, body pain, anxiety, hot flashes, mood swings, and depression, however it not advised to be taken by those who are pregnant or lactating.

Given all the amazing qualities this superfood has, it should however be used in moderation and cycled the way any supplement would be to compliment an existing wholesome, nutrient dense diet. 


1 small frozen banana (75g)
1 tbsp natural peanut butter
200ml unsweetened almond milk
1 tsp (5g) Creative Nature Organic Maca powder (Enjoy 15% off this month using my code GC15 at checkout!)
1/2 tsp cinnamon

1. Simply combine the ingredients together and blend in a food processor or equivalent.

Serves 1.

304 kcal - 27g Protein, 22g Carb, 15g Fat 5g fiber

* If you do not own whey, you can simply omit this ingredient, however the nutritional content will of course be altered. As a substitute you could add 2-3 tbsp of greek yoghurt or cottage cheese for a boost of protein.

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